What do bullies think about martial artists


Bullying is a huge problem for many kids in school. Kids who are bullied often lack self-confidence and self-esteem. They are always under a constant fear, and it hinders their overall progress. It is a problem that needs to be tackled before it gets out of hand and causes permanent mental scarring. There are many […]

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How Martial Arts Benefits Your Confidence and Self-Worth


While you may already be aware of the physical benefits associated with martial arts, you may be less familiar with how martial arts can benefit the self-confidence and overall mental health of both children and adults. From helping you develop positive self-speak that carries over to your self-respect to improving your confidence, making communication and […]

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5 Concepts Martial Artists Use To Help Themselves Excel


Did you know that martial arts originated from the Xia Dynasty more than 4,000 years ago? Huangdi, the Yellow Emperor introduced the fighting system in China. The Emperor was described as the famous general who wrote lengthy treatises of medicine and martial arts. Since then, martial arts has spread around the world with different techniques […]

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