Martial Artist – I am a Master of Confidence
by Black Belt Training GroupA large number of us suffer from several issues associated with self confidence. Whether it is in our schools, workplace or anywhere else, certain things are bound to happen that cripple our self-esteem and ruin our confidence altogether. But did you know that every time we confront our fears, we end up gaining a lot […]

Practicing “Honesty” Is Just Like Training Martial Arts
by Black Belt Training GroupThey say honesty is the best policy but it can sometimes be a little difficult, especially when telling the truth might hurt someone’s feelings. Most everyone is guilty of telling a lie from time to time, though we will rarely admit to doing so. We often shield our lies under the guise of being polite […]

General Physical Preparedness And The Martial Artist
by Black Belt Training GroupDon’t assume the person knocking on your door is the person you are waiting for. Make SURE you know who is on the other side before you open the door. Even though most burglars and potential intruders look for unoccupied homes as their targets, you should never assume that just because you are home you […]

Here Are 10 Ways That Honesty Improves Your Life
by Black Belt Training GroupHow being honest will improve your life health and wellness? If you are struggling to have good discipline, honesty has to be the core foundation. Change and punishment will be of any benefit to you if you are not honest. Honesty being the bridge to self-compassion and authenticity. It also helps you to have a […]

How Martial Arts Makes You Stronger
by Black Belt Training GroupMartial arts teach people to be morally upright. You will develop the high level of integrity after you enroll in martial arts classes. The trainers will teach you the need to uphold the highest level of integrity if you like to succeed in your life. If you like to succeed in life, you need to […]

8 Ways to Motivate Yourself to Maintain Discipline
by Black Belt Training GroupMotivation is a common commodity when you’re heading to the beach or shopping for a new car. But some tasks are not enjoyable, and motivation can be challenging to find causing you to lose the discipline to succeed. Keeping discipline is a skill, and there are several techniques that can be helpful. The ability to […]

8 Ways to Make Your Workout More Fun
by Black Belt Training GroupMartial Arts is an amazing way to stay engaged while you workout. If you don’t do Martial Arts ask yourself, “Do you look forward to your workouts?” If not, you’re more likely to come up with reasons to skip a session or two. As missed sessions become more common, you’ll lose the health and fitness […]

Benefits of Planning Ahead When You’re Trying to Eat Healthy
by Black Belt Training GroupIf you want to eat healthy, start planning ahead. A little foresight will help you to learn new habits when it comes to choosing nutritious foods and assembling balanced meals. Take a look at these 5 benefits of deciding what to eat ahead of time, along with strategies you can use when you’re dining at […]

5 Body Image Lessons from Martial Arts Experts
by Black Belt Training GroupMartial Arts instructors see a variety of body image issues in their classes every day. From young children to adults, they have important lessons about how people perceive their own bodies and the bodies of others. The way you view your body is important for overall health and fitness. Use these strategies to […]

Simple Secrets That Instantly Boost Your Exercise Motivation
by Black Belt Training GroupFinding the motivation to exercise is sometimes challenging. It can be tempting to loll around on the couch instead of climbing onto the treadmill. Try these three easy secrets that will get you moving. Surround Yourself With Green Understand the power of green. A recent university study found that cyclists who watched a nature video […]