5 Qualities To Look For In Your Martial Arts Training
by Black Belt Training GroupAre you planning to get into martial arts training? Well, you need to read this article first to get a clear picture of what to avoid. Martial Arts are not as regulated as other professions. That means that there are things you have to evaluate and check out to stay safe. Remember, Martial Arts are […]

A Surprising Tool To Help You Get Black Belt Fit
by Black Belt Training GroupDay in day out, you struggle to keep fit. You have tried different methods of getting fit but to no avail. Year in year out you have resolved to keep more fit but you have never succeeded. While this can be very frustrating, maybe it is time that you try out other means of getting […]

Do You Believe You’re As Disciplined As A Black Belt
by Black Belt Training GroupMost people know that martial arts require discipline both physically and mentally. But do you think you are as skilled and disciplined as a black belt? Do think you have what it takes to stick with the training that is required to achieve a black belt? If so, you should seriously consider finding a qualified […]

Is Self-Confidence an Effective Self-Defense
by Black Belt Training GroupSelf-confidence is about being convinced in your own abilities and trusting yourself in a given situation. Self-confidence does not mean arrogance. Arrogance is about believing that you are more important than others around you or about having an exaggerated belief in your own abilities. The two characteristics seem similar in words but they look very […]

Master These Martial Arts Lessons If You Want To Succeed
by Black Belt Training GroupMartial arts have become increasingly popular over the last several decades in this country. One of the main reasons for this is because it not only allows for productive physical activity and teaches important skills but, it also teaches important life lessons. In fact, you must master many life skills and order to advance and […]

Why Martial Arts Must Always Adapt to Counter Bullying
by Black Belt Training GroupBullying is an epidemic which has been present in the learning experience for many years. However, bullying has also evolved over time and with particular intensity over the last 20 years or so with the invention of mobile phones, the internet, and social media. In fact, bullying has gotten way out of control across schools […]

Why Martial Artists Care About How They Treat Their Families
by Black Belt Training GroupA key component in the teaching of martial arts is respect. This is clearly demonstrated in the respect shown to the instructor before, during, and after the lesson. However, the lessons of respect also spill over into everyday life and lead to kids and adults alike gaining a deeper concern about how they treat their families […]

Achieve Great Success By Motivating Yourself Daily To Improve Your Discipline.
by Black Belt Training GroupHow often have you started something and told yourself “This time I’ll do it!” only to lose motivation after a month, maybe weeks or even just days. How much of your time do you spend knowing that if you were a little more disciplined and focused you could get to where you want to go? […]

Don’t Let These 5 Excuses Keep You From Success
by Black Belt Training GroupNo matter how impossible you might think something is to accomplish, there’s someone out there getting it done anyway. Most often, excuses are a way to justify fear of failure, fear of success, or a lack of resolve. Excuses get in the way of success and living fully. By overcoming your excuses, success becomes […]

General Physical Preparedness And The Martial Artist
by Black Belt Training GroupDon’t assume the person knocking on your door is the person you are waiting for. Make SURE you know who is on the other side before you open the door. Even though most burglars and potential intruders look for unoccupied homes as their targets, you should never assume that just because you are home you […]