
Posts Under Respect

How Martial Artists are Making The World A Better Place

Category: Martial ArtsRespect

Ever heard of this saying “time and tides wait for no man.” Well, if you have, then you already know that time is a precious resource. A single day has 86,400 seconds. This may sound a lot but actually it’s not. Every single second is precious. If wasted, it will never be recovered. Whether you are a teacher an, entrepreneur, doctor, pilot or federal employee, spending time while doing something meaningful will be rewarding in the future.

This is the same with children. Did you know that you can invest your spare time and learn something new? In this case, what you will learn is martial arts. Not only will you be learning new moves but you will get to meet new people too. You will end up forming new bonds with like-minded individuals. As a result, it will surely impact your personal and professional life positively.

So, how does martial art make the world a better place?

Builds confidence

As you walk from school or work, how many dangers do you think are lurking around you? Even when you are strolling along the beach in a foreign country or drinking quietly in a bar, you need to know that danger is all round you? So, how do you protect yourself? Many people rely on one of the oldest technique – running away. While this may seem a bright idea, what if you are surrounded by your assailants? How do you get out of such a situation?

Martial art training imparts a wide array of techniques in the student. Not only will you learn how to make an excellent kick but you will learn how to tackle an opponent using judo moves or tae kwon do. As a result, you will reduce the chances of getting beaten or injured by your assailants. Thanks to the knowledge acquired from martial arts, you will be more confident when walking home from school, work or other events. Why? You have the skills to protect yourself against assailants.

This will boost your self confidence. As a result, it will impact positively in all areas of your life. From work, school and home, you will be able to make tough decisions much easier.

Teaches you that failure is part of life

Yes, failure is part of life. In everything you attempt, from learning to starting a business, there are occasions when you have to endure failure. Problem is how do you handle yourself afterwards? Do you quit and start blaming life or other people for your failure or do you pick yourself up, dust yourself, take a break, try to learn where you went wrong, come up with new strategies and implement them? If your situation is the former (quit and blame life), you will never be successful but if your situation is the latter, success is close at hand more than you thought.

This is what martial art teaches everyone – failure is part of life and it’s not the end. Assume you are in the dojo, the master asks you to spar with an opponent. There are two ways this situation will play out. One, you will triumph over your opponent or your opponent will triumph over you. If you are taller, more successful than your opponent in business or much older, you will surely take defeat from the younger opponent in a bad way. But what will you learn at the end of the lesson? Life is not perfect. It’s full of ups and downs. Today, you are a winner, tomorrow someone else is the winner. To ensure you are successful, continuous self improvement is the answer.

Improves your focus

At school, students are required to learn. They are required to study a wide array of subjects. In turn, they are give home work which is supposed to help them practice what they learned during the day. This is a burden that most students are unable to handle. When you add the stress at home, life becomes unbearable. As a result, fatigue kicks in which results in insomnia. This leads to students losing focus in class during the day. As an employer, you probably have experienced the same with your employees. So, what is the best remedy?

Imagine this, every single student or employee is enrolled for an hour session of martial arts. During the session, one gets to learn new techniques. Apart from that, the different moves improve your mental health allowing you to be focused, committed and decisive.

As a result, students and employees will be focused at work finally meeting their objectives. At the end of the day or month, success will be experienced everywhere. This will in turn improve the economy and make the world a better place.

Connects people from all walks of life

When you enroll in a martial arts dojo, you will meet people from different parts of the world. Unlike in other places where you will find people congregating according to race, color or language, in a dojo everyone is equal. People will converse and spar as brothers and sisters not enemies. No one will request for special treatment and receive it. The master will not favor a few students over others.

So, how does this have a positive impact on the world? Thanks to the acceptance of everyone despite their background, people become one community. They are able to interact with each other while keeping stereotypes at bay.

Furthermore, the connection does not end in the dojo. It extends to the neighborhood, workplace and school. As a result, negative feelings like hate are easily forgotten. In its place, love, kindness, trust and sharing are cultivated.

Peace prevails

It is a common misconception that when children are taught martial arts skills and techniques, they will become violent. Well, this is not true. Martial art teaches everyone how to respect others regardless of their age, social standing, language or background. Furthermore, it cultivates self discipline and self control among the participants. As a result of these qualities, peace is able to prevail.

Unlike bullies who use force and intimidation in order to show their might, martial arts students use techniques like talking to deescalate a situation. It is quite difficult to find a martial arts student engaging in fights whether at school, home or at the workplace. Instead, they are known to promote peace wherever they go.

If the world learned martial arts, peace would prevail.

Final Thoughts

Martial art has been found to awaken the warrior spirit in each student. While you may think that martial art students will engage in violence thanks to their new skills, well the opposite will happen. Peace will be promoted in areas where they reside, learn and work. Thanks to the use of non violent methods to settle disputes, no injuries or deaths will occur.

That is not all. Martial art helps you to focus. Focus is a mental ability that is very important at work and school. As a result, the student or employee will improve productivity finally attaining their objectives and goals. In turn, the benefits will spread to others in form of knowledge and economic boom.

Lastly, you will get to learn how to prevent negative stuff from affecting your life. If you fail, you can pick yourself up and face all problems head on with new strategies. This will place control in your hands allowing you to become a master of your own destiny.

The Answer to a Disrespectful Child: Martial Arts!

Category: Martial ArtsRespect

Does your child lack respect? Maybe you want to teach your child how to respect others in a positive way? Respect is something that every child should learn, and it should start at a young age. But it can often be difficult to get children to give respect.

What Is Respect?


Before a child can learn how to respect others, they will need to know what it looks like. Respect can come in many forms. Not talking back to their parents, allowing an elderly person to take your seat on the bus, and listening to what your teacher tells you are all signs of respect. You should always strive to show your child what respect is so that they can emulate respectful actions. The more respectful people your child is around, the better their chances of learning what respect is! So make sure that you surround your child with positive people.


Why Should Your Child Learn Respect?


Learning how to respect others is very important in many different ways. First, your child will need to learn to respect you the parent. At an early age, you should encourage respectful behaviors. This will help them interact with others later in life. Once they become school level, they will need to learn to respect their teachers along with their other classmates. This is very important for the future of their education. Disruptions in class due to being disrespectful will not only harm your child’s education, but it will also distract the focus of the entire class. Finally, your child will need to learn respect before they become an adult. An adult that has not learned respect can find themselves in trouble with the law. Many people that have served time in prison have a major problem with lacking respect for others.


Martial Arts Can Improve Respectfulness


If you are looking for a way to improve your child’s respectful behavior, you should enroll them in a martial arts program. At its core, martial arts teaches the student to not only respect their instructor but other students in the program too. Your child’s martial arts instructor will demand respect and give respect once it is received. Many students who have behavior issues before entering a martial arts program will quickly learn how to respect others. This is very important to their overall development and learning how to respect will help them in every part of their lives.

Martial Arts Can Help Your Child Develop into A Respectful Adult


If you place your child into a martial arts program at an early age, it will help teach them respect. As the child grows and they go through puberty, they can often lose some of that respect that they learned at an early age. By keeping them in a martial arts program throughout their childhood and into early adulthood, it will help them to develop into a respectful person. We all go through phases in life and martial arts can help us get through them. By growing into a respectful adult, your child will have a lot of opportunities open up for him or her.


Martial Arts Can Be a Lifelong Teacher


It can take a lifetime to master martial arts, but the journey can teach you a lot. Not only will you learn to respect others, you will learn to respect yourself as well. Once your child learned how to respect himself, it will keep him out of trouble and allow him to prosper in life. If your child chooses to stick with martial arts, it can help them in all aspects of life. From everyday problems to more serious issues, martial arts can teach you how to handle them with respect and kindness. So if you want your child to have a lifelong teacher that can guide them, why not put them in a martial arts program?


As you can see, martial arts can help your child learn what respect is and how to use it in life. This is very important to the overall health of your child and their development into adulthood. Being respectful will help your child achieve a lot in life, and it will keep them out of trouble. So make sure that you enroll your child in a martial arts program to guide them in the right direction.

Immerse Yourself into the Respect of Martial Arts

Category: Martial ArtsRespect

Some people do not believe that anything should be taught in martial arts besides defense skills. They are adamant that this is why they go to training; and that any preamble should be left until after class finishes. Others believe that the commence of martial arts training means an entire immersive experience into the practice and discipline of martial arts. These proponents insist that self-defense training innately encompasses lessons regarding respect.

While the detractors might be worried that martial arts will be too muddied by teaching the surrounding culture of these arts; martial arts practice is intrinsically tied to respect. The entire philosophy behind the teaching is that force should only be used when all else fails. And even when all else fails, the person should only fight a worthy opponent.

The idea of a worthy opponent means that the weak should not be exploited. Imagine an adult fighting a child or an adult fighting someone in a wheelchair with martial arts. This seems like it would be straight up wrong. In a life or death situation, a child wielding a machine gun can be a deadly force. However, when the only fighting materials are bodies, then the two opponents are not equally matched. The weaker opponent will be killed through the fighting when it would be more prudent to simply subdue the person and send them on their way.

It is difficult to imagine martial arts fights in a situation where the world has technology such as guns and drones to fight a battle. However, there are instances in non war circumstances where people are still attacked on the street. They are caught off guard and without any weapons on hand. This is where martial arts techniques can help a person in self defense if the situation is fight or be physically beaten down.

However, people are not meant to be weapons. That is why along with the combat techniques, people need to be taught how to maintain their humanity. Humanity is something that people retain even in the darkest situations. In concentration camps, people who maintained some form of their humanity actually survived longer than others and had a better quality of life. Even in those situations, saying a kind word or sharing some bread with someone helped the person maintain their self respect and will to live.

So respect is really a tactic of self defense. It helps a person to survive even in combat situations. It can prevent unnecessary fights and give a person a sense of what is important in life. Is fighting for a wallet more important than ensuring that the person escapes from the situation without knife injuries? When a person has a respect for one’s body they will gauge whether a fight is necessitated or simply a trip to the police station to report the loss of some cards and twenty dollars.

As one can see, the world of combat in real life is complex. Those split second decisions are better made before hand in the classroom to adopt a respectful philosophy of combat than in the heat of the moment when adrenaline is high.

Respect and the Martial Arts

Category: Martial ArtsRespect

Some people do not believe that anything should be taught in martial arts besides defense skills. They are adamant that this is why they go to training and that any preamble should be left until after class finishes. Others believe that the commence of martial arts training means an entire immersive experience into the practice and discipline of martial arts. These proponents insist that self-defense training innately encompasses lessons regarding respect.

While the detractors might be worried that martial arts will be too muddied by teaching the surrounding culture of these arts, martial arts practice is intrinsically tied to respect. The entire philosophy behind the teaching is that force should only be used when all else fails. And even when all else fails, the person should only fight a worthy opponent.

The idea of a worthy opponent means that the weak should not be exploited. Imagine an adult fighting a child or an adult fighting someone in a wheelchair with martial arts. This seems like it would be straight up wrong. In a life or death situation, a child wielding a machine gun can be a deadly force. However, when the only fighting materials are bodies, then the two opponents are not equally matched. The weaker opponent will be killed through the fighting when it would be more prudent to simply subdue the person and send them on their way.

It is difficult to imagine martial arts fights in a situation where the world has technology such as guns and drones to fight a battle. However, there are instances in non war circumstances where people are still attacked on the street. They are caught off guard and without any weapons on hand. This is where martial arts techniques can help a person in self defense if the situation is fight or be physically beaten down.

However, people are not meant to be weapons. That is why along with the combat techniques, people need to be taught how to maintain their humanity. Humanity is something that people retain even in the darkest situations. In concentration camps, people who maintained some form of their humanity actually survived longer than others and had a better quality of life. Even in those situations, saying a kind word or sharing some bread with someone helped the person maintain their self respect and will to live.

So respect is really a tactic of self defense. It helps a person to survive even in combat situations. It can prevent unnecessary fights and give a person a sense of what is important in life. Is fighting for a wallet more important than ensuring that the person escapes from the situation without knife injuries? When a person has a respect for one’s body they will gauge whether a fight is necessitated or simply a trip to the police station to report the loss of some cards and twenty dollars.

As one can see, the world of combat in real life is complex. Those split second decisions are better made before hand in the classroom to adopt a respectful philosophy of combat than in the heat of the moment when adrenaline is high.

Learn How to Respect Your Workout from a Martial Artist

Category: Martial ArtsRespect

Have you ever spotted a martial arts fighter who wasn’t in a great shape? Chances are, you haven’t. Like no other sport or workout, MMA training is a full-body workout, which pushes your body to its limits for an extra ordinary result. The workout will not only boost your self-esteem but also incorporate great core strength and explosive power exercises that aren’t normally used in traditional gyms. Here are reasons why you should respect the workout from a martial artist:

A learning avenue

Working out at the gym mainly teaches you techniques for building muscle. However, martial artist will take you through a valuable lesson that will help you build strength through the study of various thought processes and philosophies. This knowledge will positively impact on every area of your life to help you improve the way you interact with other people in the society.


Purposeful training

I have met a good number of people who are displeased with the workout options available at training facilities and most traditional gyms. With no one to watch their progress or compete with, they feel like they are wasting time without much progress. With martial arts training, you not only achieve fitness but also build knowledge, discipline, and confidence.


Competition for bettering oneself

Without an instructor, you are likely to do the same things repeatedly, which may trigger losing the luster over time. However, martial arts artists understand the saying that “you cannot run as fast and hard as you can when you are being chased.” Thus, you’re assigned a qualified trainer to push you to excel and make your exercise experience better. The instructor will help you learn the different techniques to improve yourself in sport and stay in shape.


Build Confidence

When you enroll your children in Martial arts training, they will be taught how to tune with their mind and body. This new knowledge will boost their confidence and overall demeanor allowing them to be stronger individuals and less likely to be victims of bullying peers. Moreover, the training will not only prevent them from bullying others but also defend them because they’ll be more aware of themselves and the lessons taught by their instructor to respect those around them.


An excellent physical workout

A martial artist takes you through a vigorous training to ensure that you can work out multiple areas of your body all at once, but when you’re working out at a gym, you exercise one area at a time. You can decide to flex your triceps, your biceps, and later your legs on a different day. However, martial arts training integrates different rigorous workout that concentrates on more areas of your body than any gym workout plan.


Organized workout routine

Working out on a regular gym hands you the responsibility of coming up with your workout plan. You’ve to learn to organize your routine, stretch and warm-up properly, and do all the techniques correctly. To achieve quick and safe results thus becomes difficult as it depends on your abilities and know-how. However, when you go for martial art, your instructor will come up with the workout, and all you’ll need is to show up to class. Besides, the artist will make sure you are doing every exercise the right way.



To enjoy all the above benefits, there must be respect–In fact, that’s what martial Art is all about. Every trainer ought to learn to respect his or her martial artist as well as your training partners and opponents. That respect will forge a bond, and everyone in the training platform will surely enjoy a close relationship as a family!

6 Ways Martial Arts is Completely Under-Rated

Category: Martial ArtsRespect

Martial arts can be defined as forms of sports or skills which were taught to people as a form of self-defense or attacks. The skills include the judo, kung fu, taekwondo, karate and kendo. These skills have spread worldwide, and to some people, they are forms of sport where they get to compete and earn a livelihood as well. Unlike in the past where people were taught these martial arts as a way of defending themselves, with time the skills have been underrated with some people practicing them for other purposes such as keeping fit. Well, it is essential to keep your body healthy and active but on the other hand, it is crucial to ask yourself on what you can do if you are abruptly attacked and you are on your own, or a member of your family is attacked and needs help. Also, ask yourself what can you gain or even what you can learn from martial arts.

What are the six ways in which martial arts is completely under-rated?

  1. Martial arts teach us how to deal with our emotions.

Martial arts can push you to your limits especially emotionally whereby you get hit to the ground many times. To some people, this can be tiring frustrating and time-consuming as well. But if you look on the brighter side, this skill teaches us a lot about life. You cannot always win as sometimes you will fail. What matters when you get knocked you have to develop new strategies of attacking your opponent. Therefore we learn that success does not come easy and failing is not the end of the road but rather it is a way of making us even better.

  1. Lessons about control.

In martial arts, one does not have the ability to determine everything that goes in the game something a lot of people don’t know about. In the games, all you have to do is master over self and know how to use the little control you have to your advantage. This is a benefit to our lives just like martial arts, even if we cannot control everything that surrounds us, what is important is to know how to react to the things happening around us. Therefore these skills teach you how to act and turn the situation to your advantage.

  1. Martial arts and finding flow state.

These artistic sports have the same rules since they were invented, regarding how to kick, punch and also hit. Well, the secret to enjoying these arts is by becoming creative. Art is all about employing creativity within you so as to become better and martial arts requires creativity so as to discover the abilities and skills you have within you.

  1. Martial arts and loneliness.

One thing that people don’t know about martial arts can be used as a way to combat loneliness. How? Martial arts are a form of community where people are welcome to one another and still push each other so as to become even better. People get to share growth and also trials which are attained through physical efforts and in return a good network is created where people can connect with one another.

  1. Self-discipline and self-mastery.

These arts require a lot of discipline for one to be able to master a particular trick. Sometimes you may encounter an opponent who is more experienced or influential than you. But what matters is knowing when to throw your punch or kick and where to do so as well. Therefore this teaches you not to react to anger with anger.

  1. Fight against the difficulties.

You will always come across different people who are faster and stronger than you are, so what you have to do is use the energy brought to you and use it to your advantage. In other words, you learn both offense and successful defenses as well.

Master These Martial Arts Lessons If You Want To Succeed


Martial arts have become increasingly popular over the last several decades in this country. One of the main reasons for this is because it not only allows for productive physical activity and teaches important skills but, it also teaches important life lessons. In fact, you must master many life skills and order to advance and achieve the next level in any martial art. The following are some of the most beneficial lessons that you will learn if you begin learning martial arts.

– Perseverance

When studying martial arts, as with life, you must have perseverance. You must learn how to keep trying until you succeed. You may fail many times before you accomplish your final goal. It is important that you learn how to get back up and keep trying when you get knocked down. Martial arts will teach you how to handle setbacks and keep pushing forward until you succeed.

– Growth Through Struggle

Martial Arts teaches that there can be no growth without some degree of struggle. Martial arts will help you to acknowledge and deal with struggles in both training and in life. You will learn how to work through challenging times to achieve your final goal.

– Growth Through Opposition

Throughout life and throughout martial arts training, you will face varying degrees of opposition. When You face challenges and opposition you will learn how to overcome and grow from those experiences.

– Learning To Trust Yourself

Learning how to trust yourself can be one of the most challenging obstacles to face during martial arts training. You may not be self-confident right now, but with the proper instruction and plenty of patience and practice, you will learn how to begin to trust your instincts. You will become more confident and self-assured of your judgment and abilities.

– Giving Respect As Well As Earning Respect

This may be the most important lesson that martial arts can teach you. It is critically important throughout your life to show proper respect and learn how to earn others respect. Respect is earned over the course of time as other individuals see your worthy qualities. Part of those qualities include showing the same courtesy, kindness, and understanding that you expect to be shown in return. Martial arts will focus on this intensely. These skills are incredibly important for people to master in order to have harmony in their lives. For children, this can be a crucial lesson that they have the opportunity to learn early in life to help them function as a productive member of society. Without this important skill, you will be unable to achieve all that you wish, because others will not give you the consideration and respect that you need to work your way up in the world. If you start studying with a qualified martial arts trainer they will help you to learn what it means to give and show respect properly.

You will learn many important life skills throughout the course of your martial arts training. These are just a few of the highlights you can expect when you decide to seek training from a qualified instructor or school. When looking for a school make sure that you check into the instructors background and qualifications. It is also a good idea to check any customer reviews that you can find online as well as ask any of the students that attend the school what their thoughts and feelings are about that location. It would also be a good idea to take a trip to the location that you are considering and speak with the instructors and perhaps watch one of the classes to get a better idea if that school or instructor would be a good fit for your needs.

There are so many benefits to learning martial arts. You can expect to become more physically fit as well as learn how to defend yourself. But, the benefits do not stop there. You will learn things that will assist you throughout your life and will help you achieve your dreams. With a little bit of hard work, dedication, and determination you to will be able to climb the ranks of the martial arts which will give you a great sense of pride and accomplishment in your life.

Why Martial Artists Care About How They Treat Their Families


A key component in the teaching of martial arts is respect. This is clearly demonstrated in the respect shown to the instructor before, during, and after the lesson. However, the lessons of respect also spill over into everyday life and lead to kids and adults alike gaining a deeper concern about how they treat their families and loved ones. Showing respect for people is an important skill in life and can lead to a happier home environment and a more successful social life. Here are some of the ways in which martial arts training can promote respect and generate a positive attitude in respect to the family, loved ones, and peers:

A Disciplined Environment


During martial arts lessons, respect is paramount, and the formal environment of a class encourages both the instructor and the students to maintain both discipline and respect throughout the lesson. At the beginning of a class, when the students first enter the room, they often bow to their instructor and their peers, showing both a mark of respect and signaling they are ready to focus on the day’s training. These practices demonstrate respect for both the lesson and the space in which the teaching is being conducted. An agreement to halt participation in outside life while training is taking place is a significant sign of respect.

Aside from the mark of respect shown to the lesson and each other, martial arts also promotes discipline in other ways. Controlled movements, continuing training when fatigued, and holding back force when sparring are some examples of practices which require control. Only showing respect to others in the class also requires discipline. Even if frustration creeps in during a lesson, respect and discipline are to be maintained at all times. These lessons easily spill over into life outside of the martial arts class and increase respect and discipline towards family members.

Engaging with Others


Trying to get along with a group of people in a social setting can be quite difficult at times and respect is essential for maintaining harmony. During martial arts classes, when students interact with instructors, some may not see eye to eye at all times. Perhaps a particular skill is difficult to master, and frustration creeps in and holding back an outburst is necessary to maintain respect for the class. Through training in martial arts and experiencing these frustrations, students learn how to keep their cool in difficult situations despite making mistakes. They learn to find other solutions and ways to improve their skills. Once again, this is transferable to real life situations and can help people treat their families with the same respect as they would show in a martial arts class.




Everybody makes mistakes at times and everyone loses a match up in a martial arts class. There is always someone who possesses greater skill or strength and so humility is an important trait to possess. Students learn humility in martial arts by understanding they must work hard to reach the level of others, especially those who are very talented. Being humble is an important part of respect and is an essential lesson learned in martial arts. This humility once again transfers out of the classroom and into home life. People who learn humility in martial arts are more likely to show humility at home which will reduce frustrated outbursts against family members and increase respect and the way they treat love ones.




It is impossible to respect and treat others in a gracious manner if you have no respect for yourself. Martial arts teaches respect not just for your family and loved ones, but also for yourself. Self-respect must be obtained if you are to respect others and true to this, students are encouraged to develop self-respect by taking care of their appearance and etiquette. It is a student’s responsibility to maintain cleanliness, clean their own uniform, and keep tidy both at home and in classes. Students are also encouraged to groom themselves and maintain high hygienic standards. Poor eating habits, smoking, lack of discipline, over consumption of alcohol and other lack in standard indicate a lack of respect for oneself. As students learn to respect themselves they will also learn how to treat their families, elders, peers, and superiors with similar respect.