How Martial Arts Can Improve Job Performance

Category : AttitudeMartial Arts

The skills attained in the practice of martial arts far exceeds what you are witnessing at competitions or in the advancement of a belt color. The changes that develop internally throughout the career of a martial artist prove to have more permanency than the external physical advancements.

Psychologists have shown that traditional martial arts positively effects the emotional well-being and mental health of an individual more than any other sport. As we continue, we will learn some of the most important life skills gained from this 2,000-year-old tradition.

Stress Management

The practice of martial arts promotes being in a state of mental calmness and self-control through systematic movements and breathing techniques. In an average day a person is not subjected to the stress or chaos found during a physical one on one match, however the comparisons are legitimate. Having the ability to maintain composure while balancing a hectic schedule is life altering. Martial arts have also been known to improve an individual’s sleep patterns, as a result of adequate sleep, it becomes easier to cope with stressful situations.

Commitment and Progression

On average it typically takes anywhere from 3-10 years to achieve a high ranking such as a black belt, in martial arts. To achieve such advancements a martial artist has to learn the powers of persistence, extreme work ethic, and commitment. These important life skills are all gained through the progression of the sport, with even a single one of these skills missing, an advancement will not take place. These skills can be carried to any area of life including but not limited to education, career, family and finances.

Overcoming Fears

In a competition, an athlete has to completely let go, live in the moment, put aside any mental blocks or negative self-talk, and trust in their own skills. The fear of failure cannot live in a mixed martial artist, but instead it is overcome with each loss and win achieved. A disciplined competitor knows that they will win and they will lose, no matter the outcome they will persist and fight again. The fear of failure is something many people live an entire lifetime battling, mastering this fear means a greater quality of life as well as many more achievable opportunities.

Controlled Focus and Goal Setting

By moving through different levels of training, an athlete is in a constant state of personal development through goal setting. More specifically, a martial artist knows they are advancing as an individual in their sport, as an analogy, they know they are running their own race. Every training session is for a purpose; every act of self-discipline has a bigger meaning.

Martial arts are based around highly focused acts, it’s often recommended for people dealing with symptoms of ADHD as a means of directing energy and practicing focus. The highly structured and physically challenging aspects found in martial arts are helpful to develop coordination while using concentration.

Memorization and Efficiency

Martial arts are a continuing act of historical traditions, with each movement serving a purpose, it is believed there should be no wasted energy or efforts. This teaches organization, mindfulness, and ultimately efficiency. An efficient person will excel must faster than an average person, they are able to accomplish more and improve productivity in their lives.

The memorization skills gained through martial arts goes hand in hand with the efficiency. Memorization not only keeps physical and mental engagement, but it also makes movements much more efficient. In the example of a career, memorizing the tasks and duties required quickly makes for a much more efficient performance.


One of the most notable traits martial arts instills in an individual is confidence. The journey of achievement in this sport is found in the ability to flourish and grow. Being put in uncomfortable situations helps to expand a person’s comfort zone, as a result their confidence is able to heighten. There are obstacles to overcome with every stage of martial arts, from the beginner to the expert, confidence is required. In life, this plays a key role to moving forward and being secure in your own skin.

Being Proactive and Professional

On the defensive end of this sport, the athlete is continually preparing to defend against the opponent with the goal to be forward thinking and proactive with their own reactions. Being proactive requires the ability to pay attention to subtle queues and learn from experience. A person who attains the skill of being proactive will often find themselves comfortable when being on the defensive side.

The same attributes found in conducting oneself in a professional manner can be found in these arts. Knowing how to gain specialized knowledge, be accountable and emotionally stable are among a few of the skills learned that can be carried into career success.


Respect is one of the first lessons to be learned in martial arts. A common example of this trait is the bow you see opponents give to one another, this bow is a symbol of respect and gratitude. Working your way up in rankings is another way martial artists learn respect, they know that those before them have earned their rights of passage and did so in a respectful manor.

Martial arts will emphasize the importance of appearance and etiquette. The combination of caring for external appearance and achieving internal improvement leads to a level of self-respect that is otherwise hard to attain. Self-respect combats other life issues such as guilt, peer pressure, and insecurity.

Instilling Skills

Martial arts have been an example of the benefits that occur when the mind, body and spirit are working fluently together. Those who practice these techniques unlock skills that are imperative for success in all areas of their lives. There are hundreds of variations of martial arts today, but the core of the sport remains centered around the same moral structures, which greatly benefit the participants of the sport. Once these important life skills are gained, they can follow an individual throughout their entire life.

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