Why You Should Find a Year Round Physical Activity

Category : HealthMartial Arts

Physical activity is vital for a child’s healthy development and an adult’s overall fitness, but can sometimes be a struggle to upkeep. Joining a year round physical activity or sport like martial arts aids in constantly staying active throughout the year and makes certain it is followed through. Unlike working out which could seem like a chore, regular exercise is easily incorporated in life without reluctance by simply doing something fun.

beautiful woman with the red boxing gloves, studio shot

Year round physical activity fosters physical, mental, and emotional well-being, among many other great benefits. It addresses a number of major concerns that can adversely effect one’s health:

  1. Lack of options on activities to do. Swimming, climbing, cycling, gymnastics, archery, windsurfing and snowmobile adventures are some of the programs offered nowadays. Planning can go on all year, but the weather and seasons do not always permit a single best choice. There’s also the risk that not everyone in a group could participate on the chosen activity. Not every sport suits a single individual, but there’s a sport that suits every individual. Martial arts is ideal for people of all ages and is perfect for families with kids, and is the best option when it comes to availability throughout the year.
  2. Continually increasing focus on academics and less on physicality. Most schools tend to pivot on knowledge based programs and less on physical activities. Parents are empowered to provide more for their children be taking part in year-round activities, and get themselves moving as well. In fact, increased physical activity has been found to be correlated with improved academic performance, brain function, concentration, and cognitive control.
  3. Inconsistency and inclination to slack off. Being consistent is key to developing lifelong habits, especially with children who can apply this best practice until adulthood. When it comes to martial arts, flexibility, balance, coordination and strength increase accordingly if you are consistent enough to engage in the sport. How? By joining year round activities.
  4. Inevitable transition between seasons. Keeping physically active can be tougher during cold seasons, and it can sometimes even be the perfect excuse to not exercise. Getting fit is made enjoyable with year round activities like Martial arts. Continuous training and practice can keep you from being idle and losing skill as the seasons pass, letting you hone your abilities and work on mastery as you desire.
  5. Having a hard time with socialization. A year round activity does more than support better health, but opens up vast social opportunities in making new friends and mingling with other members of the class. Awkwardness is diffused within a fun and comfortable environment where everyone, young or old, with a common interest is there to fully embrace learning. Start off by finding a friend or family member to stay active with you, inspire and motivate each other.

6. Excessive screen time or becoming a tech slave. Watching TV, playing games, computers and gadgets draw leisure time to sitting and staring at screens. Some could go on all day, for life has become unimaginable without technology’s amazing offerings. Knowing when to detach is essential in avoiding adverse health effects like obesity, and in leading a normal life, believe it or not. Training and competing in sports gets people off the couch, out playing and living life!

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