Martial Arts

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Tips for Using Martial Arts to Get Fit

Category: FitnessMartial Arts

Are you out of shape and feel run down all the time? Do you lack the energy that you used to have when you were younger? If so, then you should get off that sofa and do something about it! Today, we are going to learn how you can use martial arts to get in shape both physically and mentally. Below we will learn some tips that can help you get started. So make sure to pay close attention to the information you find. It just might help you get into the best shape of your life.

Speak with Your Doctor First

Before you start any fitness program including martial arts, make sure that you speak with a medical professional first. Your family doctor will be able to assess your health and let you know if you are healthy enough to begin a martial arts program. It can be very dangerous to begin a fitness routine, so it’s better to be safe than sorry. Speak with your doctor, and if he or she gives you the green light, you can sign up for class the next day.

Start Out Slow

A great way to find out if martial arts is the right sport for you is to take a free class. Many martial arts schools will offer free classes that you can take to find out if it’s a good fit for you. But most people who take the free class gets hooked and signs up for more! Once you have decided that you would like to give martial arts a try, then you should make the time to attend class. Just like every part of life, you will need to show up to class on time. Once there, your instructor will help you get started and he or she will start out slow. Then once you get used to your classes, things will start to pick up speed.

Working Past the Soreness

After your first martial arts class, you will be pretty sore. Because your fitness level will be low and martial arts can be demanding, you will probably hurt all over. But this is just part of getting in shape. To deal with the soreness, make sure that you drink plenty of fluids and get some rest before your next class. You may want to take a nice long hot bath at the end of your training day to soothe your muscles. But whatever you do, make sure that you don’t let the soreness cause you to give up. Instead, stay determined and stick with your original plan of getting healthy.

Stay with It

Once you have taken the first step and joined a martial arts class, make sure that you stick with it. Being determined to get fit will help you start seeing results. Many students who fail to stick with it go right back to their old habits and end up even more out of shape. The ones that stick with the martial arts program that they started will not only look much better but they will feel much better as well.

Make It Part of Your Life

Now that you have decided to stick with your martial arts program, you should make it a part of your life. Each day that you have a class, make sure that you show up with a positive mood. Being positive about your training will help you get through the tough parts. Even after you have reached your fitness goals, you should continue to maintain your health by taking part in martial arts. If you really want to turn things up a notch, you can even take part in martial arts competitions and work towards getting your black belt.

These are just a few tips that can help you get started with a martial arts program. But remember to start out by speaking with your doctor and have your health examined. After you have passed the health exam, you can then sign up for class. Also, make sure that you show up to class on time and don’t let the soreness keep you from coming back. If you are diligent about your fitness and you attend class regularly, you will soon see positive results.

The Answer to a Disrespectful Child: Martial Arts!

Category: Martial ArtsRespect

Does your child lack respect? Maybe you want to teach your child how to respect others in a positive way? Respect is something that every child should learn, and it should start at a young age. But it can often be difficult to get children to give respect.

What Is Respect?


Before a child can learn how to respect others, they will need to know what it looks like. Respect can come in many forms. Not talking back to their parents, allowing an elderly person to take your seat on the bus, and listening to what your teacher tells you are all signs of respect. You should always strive to show your child what respect is so that they can emulate respectful actions. The more respectful people your child is around, the better their chances of learning what respect is! So make sure that you surround your child with positive people.


Why Should Your Child Learn Respect?


Learning how to respect others is very important in many different ways. First, your child will need to learn to respect you the parent. At an early age, you should encourage respectful behaviors. This will help them interact with others later in life. Once they become school level, they will need to learn to respect their teachers along with their other classmates. This is very important for the future of their education. Disruptions in class due to being disrespectful will not only harm your child’s education, but it will also distract the focus of the entire class. Finally, your child will need to learn respect before they become an adult. An adult that has not learned respect can find themselves in trouble with the law. Many people that have served time in prison have a major problem with lacking respect for others.


Martial Arts Can Improve Respectfulness


If you are looking for a way to improve your child’s respectful behavior, you should enroll them in a martial arts program. At its core, martial arts teaches the student to not only respect their instructor but other students in the program too. Your child’s martial arts instructor will demand respect and give respect once it is received. Many students who have behavior issues before entering a martial arts program will quickly learn how to respect others. This is very important to their overall development and learning how to respect will help them in every part of their lives.

Martial Arts Can Help Your Child Develop into A Respectful Adult


If you place your child into a martial arts program at an early age, it will help teach them respect. As the child grows and they go through puberty, they can often lose some of that respect that they learned at an early age. By keeping them in a martial arts program throughout their childhood and into early adulthood, it will help them to develop into a respectful person. We all go through phases in life and martial arts can help us get through them. By growing into a respectful adult, your child will have a lot of opportunities open up for him or her.


Martial Arts Can Be a Lifelong Teacher


It can take a lifetime to master martial arts, but the journey can teach you a lot. Not only will you learn to respect others, you will learn to respect yourself as well. Once your child learned how to respect himself, it will keep him out of trouble and allow him to prosper in life. If your child chooses to stick with martial arts, it can help them in all aspects of life. From everyday problems to more serious issues, martial arts can teach you how to handle them with respect and kindness. So if you want your child to have a lifelong teacher that can guide them, why not put them in a martial arts program?


As you can see, martial arts can help your child learn what respect is and how to use it in life. This is very important to the overall health of your child and their development into adulthood. Being respectful will help your child achieve a lot in life, and it will keep them out of trouble. So make sure that you enroll your child in a martial arts program to guide them in the right direction.

Martial Arts for Kids: The Perfect Christmas Gift


As a good parent, you need to give your child the best gift during special occasions such as Christmas. After doing your research, you may have not yet decided on a given gift as the best for your kid. Have you ever thought of introducing your children to martial arts classes? It is among the best gifts you can ever give your children. The classes make your kids have fun as well as benefiting from physical activity. The trainers in the classes know how to handle children. The children in the classes know how to interact with each other. Even if your kids have social problems, they will achieve great success in developing good social skills.

Benefits of martial arts to kids

Developing Respect

Children who have respect succeed in their lives. You need to teach your kids to respect so that they will respect elders in their life. It can be hard to help your children develop respect; but martial arts classes are all about respect and following rules. Your children will not be forced to develop respect; the atmosphere in the classes will make them realize the value of respect so that they will succeed in their lives. They will interact with other children who will encourage them to have the virtue of respect. Even if your child was very disrespectful, he would become respectful within a short period if you will introduce him to the right martial arts classes.


Acknowledging simple things which you receive is among the virtues you need to make your children develop. In the martial arts classes, learners are taught on how to appreciate small things which they receive in their lives. You will find it easy to continue doing well to your children if you will have them appreciate your efforts to make them happy. You will be motivated to do more good for your kids after you develop the art of gratitude in them through registering them in the best martial arts classes.

Fostering Self-Discipline

In martial arts, kids are reminded of how important the art of self-disciple is to their success in life. You will find your children developing the art of self-discipline which will help them succeed in most activities which they will be engaged. If you like your kids to stay entertained during holiday and develop the necessary virtues for them to succeed in life, then you need to have them enrolled in a martial arts class. The classes will make the children learn from each other. It is among the best ways to change the character of your children. The classes are divided into different categories where the children will strive to be promoted. Each time they will make great improvements; their efforts are recognized through the rankings which they will receive. This makes the children respect those who have been promoted as well as those who are below them.

Boosting Social Skills

There are several shared pursuits in martial arts. Children will get to know each other in the pursuits. It creates the best opportunity for your children to develop the skills of socialization. Even if your children are facing challenges of being antisocial, it is very easy for you to have them develop social skills after you decide to introduce them to the classes. Martial arts classes such as Jiu Jitsu even help your kids to develop camaraderie skills which will play a great role in their lives. The social skills which the children will develop will play significant roles in the life of the children later in life when they become adults.

Encouraging Physical Activity

You need to help your children get off the couch and make them more active. The classes play a great role in making your children get active. They are organized in your neighborhood where the children will be required to arrive in a given period of the day where they will meet with others and train. If you will like to make your children active in the Christmas holiday, then enrolling them in your nearest martial arts classes will make them enjoy their holiday as well as become active. Physically fit children tend to live healthy lives free from common health problems.

Learning to Set and Achieve Goals

In martial arts, children are subjected to the accomplishment of goals where they are offered colored belts. It is very easy to make your child develop the skills of setting goals which he will achieve through the colored belts. Goal driven individuals are successful in life because they can measure the steps of their endeavors. The kids will be encouraged to attend the classes because they will like to improve their ranks. If you were facing challenges when trying to make your children stay active, making them attend the classes will motivate them to go out and enjoy their lives. The classes make the children occupied hence prevent them from joining bad companies in your neighborhood.

Increased Self-Esteem

The classes make the children achieve certain goals in their lives. The achievements will make your children develop self-esteem. If your children are struggling with low self-esteem, you will have the problem solved after you get them active in the martial arts classes such as karate. They will be promoted in the ranks where they will be offered colored belts. This makes the children feel they can accomplish something in their lives. With time the feel of low esteem will be gone from your children’s lives. You need to make the children feel they are worth. Among the best ways to achieve it is to introduce them to a class where they will get to interact with each other and compete favorably.

Improving Listening

For the child to advance in the ranks, he has to develop superior listening skills. The skills will help the child even beyond the walls of the classes. You will have your kid listening to instructions as well in different fields of life which will make the child successful in many aspects of his life.

5 Reasons Martial Arts Beats the Gym For Fitness

Category: FitnessMartial Arts

It is a common occurrence for people to attend the gym with the sole purpose of weight training. Not only will they be able to do so in order to tone their muscles but to stay fit and attain the ideal weight. One thing you need to note is that attending the gym is not bad. But there is a much better option that eliminates the need of lifting heavy weights – martial art.

Martial art has been found to impart benefits to the mind and body. Not only are people able to gain self discipline and learn self protection but they get to improve their stamina too. It is very common to find people signing up for gym workouts only to decline attending the sessions. While this may be attributed partly to one being busy, it may also be attributed to lack of satisfaction among people.

Here are 5 ways martial arts is way better for fitness than gym workouts.

Total body workout

When you attend the gym, you will be met by different machines and weights. You will find kettle bells, treadmills and barbells among others. In order to attain fitness, users will be given a 3 day, 4 day, 5 day or 6 day workout plan. For example, on Monday one will be required to concentrate on the chest, biceps, back and shoulder muscles. On Tuesday, one will be advised to concentrate on the triceps, quads, hamstring and glutes. On Wednesday, one will be asked to repeat Monday’s routine as well as incorporate cardio workout for 10 minutes. Basically what you will be doing is interchanging between lower body workout, upper body workout and core muscles.

In martial arts, you don’t have to create such a workout. From the first day, you will learn basic movements and commands. For example, before starting any session, you will bow. This is the same when combating an opponent in the dojo. Unlike in the gym where you only concentrate on a particular part of your body on a single day, martial arts allows you to use full range of motion each day.

Thanks to sparring in martial arts sessions, not only will you learn how to defend or combat an opponent but you will become fit. As a result, martial arts offers total body workout.

Mental gain

If you have attended the gym, you will notice that many people spend much of the session talking. On other occasions, they will spend more time trying to check out female gym attendees as they workout. Apart from that, majority of weight lifters at the gym spend so much time flexing in front of the mirror. They will lift barbells or bench press for a few minutes before spending more time flexing in front of the mirror. If you were to calculate the amount of time wasted talking and flexing, you will realize that gym workouts are less beneficial especially for people who are focused in life.

When you turn to martial arts, the opposite happens. You will find attendees learning new movements as instructed by the master. Furthermore, non will be talking during the session, flexing in front of a mirror or have friends take selfies. There are strict rules that govern the dojo unlike in the gym. In the dojo, participants follow every single command issued by the master. They follow the teachings provided which mean they have no time to chat or flex. As a result, martial art is the best workout for anyone who wants to become fit and eliminate chances of wasting time.

Improves your emotional health

At the gym, it’s quite easy to call it quits. Why? You started the session on a high note but as time goes by; your muscles are used to the weights and movements. As a result, your body is not experiencing the tremendous growth you anticipated. So what happens? You hit the plateau stage of physical limitations finally resulting in you quitting. On the other hand, many people end up injecting steroids in order to improve their momentum and attain the muscle mass they have been craving for.

In martial arts, you can forget about hitting the plateau stage when it comes to learning. Each day, you will learn something new. This will go a long way in improving self discipline, your strength, muscles, knowledge of techniques as well as skills. Martial art gives you a chance of becoming better every day. Thanks to the belt system, you are able to move up according to your accomplishments. Furthermore, you will learn how to manage your emotions as well as keeping them under check. This will help to calm your mind and strengthen your spirit.

Encourages you to lead a healthy lifestyle

Gym attendees are encouraged to consume healthy foods where protein takes a large percentage. This is because protein is a muscle building nutrient. During the first months, it is common to find people consuming 6 meals in a day. The goal is simple – to provide the body with the much needed nutrition. As a result, one’s metabolism is heightened leading to fat burning and weight loss. Problem is healthy foods cannot provide fast muscle growth which is what gym participants expect. This results in them using steroids.

When it comes to martial arts, participants don’t need muscle growth shakes or foods in large quantities. Why? Martial art helps to make the muscles fit naturally. Furthermore, the different movements results in the burning of calories which promotes fat burning and weight loss. As a result, one’s natural eating habits are regulated much better thus eliminating food cravings. This results in one consuming a balanced meal each day.

Social gain

While gyms advertise that there are trainers available, you will find out that this is not true to some extent. Yes, there are gym trainers present but the problem is there are several attendees who need help. These strains the time gym trainers allocate each participant which ultimately results in poor learning. On the other hand, gym attendees are required to perform the same movements’ day in, day out. Within a short time, one will run out of motivation. Furthermore, their focus will also waver.

Martial art is totally different. Instead of having several trainers, only one trainer is required. He or she imparts training to all attendees from one point. This ensures that students are able to learn every movement. Furthermore, one is allowed plenty of time to practice. In a martial arts dojo, you will feel that you belong to a community. You will get to make new friends and form a stronger bond that will extend even outside the dojo. When you meet on the streets, you will recognize each other as companions and not competitors.

Final Thoughts

Martial art has so many advantages over gyms. For starters, martial art offers a safer environment unlike in the gym where you are required to lift heavy weights. The chances of you getting injured are too high. In martial arts, competition is healthy while in the gym, everyone wants to outdo each other especially when it comes to how much one can lift or their muscular size.

That is not all:

Martial art sparring is dynamic since it’s done under the watchful eye of the master. This lessens the chances of injury.

Bottom line:

Martial art is better than a gym workout.

Immerse Yourself into the Respect of Martial Arts

Category: Martial ArtsRespect

Some people do not believe that anything should be taught in martial arts besides defense skills. They are adamant that this is why they go to training; and that any preamble should be left until after class finishes. Others believe that the commence of martial arts training means an entire immersive experience into the practice and discipline of martial arts. These proponents insist that self-defense training innately encompasses lessons regarding respect.

While the detractors might be worried that martial arts will be too muddied by teaching the surrounding culture of these arts; martial arts practice is intrinsically tied to respect. The entire philosophy behind the teaching is that force should only be used when all else fails. And even when all else fails, the person should only fight a worthy opponent.

The idea of a worthy opponent means that the weak should not be exploited. Imagine an adult fighting a child or an adult fighting someone in a wheelchair with martial arts. This seems like it would be straight up wrong. In a life or death situation, a child wielding a machine gun can be a deadly force. However, when the only fighting materials are bodies, then the two opponents are not equally matched. The weaker opponent will be killed through the fighting when it would be more prudent to simply subdue the person and send them on their way.

It is difficult to imagine martial arts fights in a situation where the world has technology such as guns and drones to fight a battle. However, there are instances in non war circumstances where people are still attacked on the street. They are caught off guard and without any weapons on hand. This is where martial arts techniques can help a person in self defense if the situation is fight or be physically beaten down.

However, people are not meant to be weapons. That is why along with the combat techniques, people need to be taught how to maintain their humanity. Humanity is something that people retain even in the darkest situations. In concentration camps, people who maintained some form of their humanity actually survived longer than others and had a better quality of life. Even in those situations, saying a kind word or sharing some bread with someone helped the person maintain their self respect and will to live.

So respect is really a tactic of self defense. It helps a person to survive even in combat situations. It can prevent unnecessary fights and give a person a sense of what is important in life. Is fighting for a wallet more important than ensuring that the person escapes from the situation without knife injuries? When a person has a respect for one’s body they will gauge whether a fight is necessitated or simply a trip to the police station to report the loss of some cards and twenty dollars.

As one can see, the world of combat in real life is complex. Those split second decisions are better made before hand in the classroom to adopt a respectful philosophy of combat than in the heat of the moment when adrenaline is high.

Overcoming Bullying Through Martial Arts


Bullying is a serious offense. People get hurt and traumatized through the experience. Some people grow up and never recover from childhood bullying. They continue to experience the same circumstances in the real world, and the cost to the world is their stress leaves and illnesses.

In martial arts, when children come to the program with issues, most instructors are happy to teach them. They understand as most of us adults do that bullying is born out of insecurity. It is this insecurity and sense of inferiority that drives a bully to assert power over victims in any way possible. This temporarily makes the bully feel elevated as aggression is being inflicted on the “weaker” party.

However, these tactics are not conducive to real world success. Even bullies can grow up to be miserable, lonely people who only relate to people in terms of the dynamic of fear and intimidation. These people might succeed in certain careers, but they certainly are not liked by their peers.

Martial arts instructors understand that aggression and fighting against the world is also a fight against oneself. The child feels powerless in a large world, and yet the child is not. The techniques taught in martial arts can teach self defense instead of simple acts of aggression. The child will be schooled that diplomacy is better than physical force, and that the techniques are merely to prevent harm to oneself and others. Martial arts essentially aims to stop the cycle of violence by encouraging oneness with the environment.

This can be accomplished through respect. If a person respects the life force of another, then they will learn not to disrupt that. They learn that there is better harmony if each person is allowed to go about their day contributing their part to the world. If the bully is threatened, then this child can learn to talk things out with the appropriate parties, especially approaching adults first.

In any situation later in life, arbitration will be an excellent skill to have. If the child finds oneself later in a high stress marriage, then the person will learn to talk rather than demand one’s way. They will relate better to their peers at work having learned that having no people skills can actually ostracize people and make them less likely to speak well of that co-worker.

With the lessons come micro lessons that the child can use to help to deal with the inner conflict that the child has. They can identify their inner problems more easily and learn why they used force in the past as a means of deriving self esteem. The child will also build new friendships in the class through learning how to fight with another child who is considered an equal opponent, not a lesser person.

While respect is a life long process, a child who is a bully will need to take baby steps towards gaining complete respect for oneself. They are walking away from a path of aggression into one of healing, and with the right martial arts training, they will gain a whole new appreciation for others and themselves.

Using Martial Arts Discipline in and out of the Classroom


In martial arts, there is a lot to be said about how the training can affect the trajectory of a person’s life. The individual can be someone who starts the program looking for a hobby. And everyone does need hobbies in life or at least just forms of exercise. However, the lessons taught in martial arts can also force a person to have discipline.

The reason that these lessons enforce discipline is because people need to attend the classes to advance. If the classes are skipped, other than for a valid reason like illness, the student cannot gain the skills needed to move to the next level. So in this instance, discipline is enforced.

However, the discipline to attend the classes and learn the moves is nothing without a good martial arts instructor. If the student does not have respect for the teacher, then it will be apparent that the martial arts will not be taken seriously and be a priority for the learner.

That is why discipline begins with a positive learning environment. People need to feel as though they feel comfortable coming to class. The classroom should be a setting that inspires the students to learn. A good instructor will not only teach the moves, but also integrate life lessons into the coaching. That will help the students gain a bond with the instructor.

Also, the students need to be taught to respect one another. That means that the instructor needs to be vigilant to look for signs of bullying among the students. If the classroom is full of children, then parent feedback is essential. Even if the instructor just tries to strike up a conversation with the parents when the children are being picked up, then the parents will feel comfortable knowing the instructor cares about the students. The parents will be more likely to respect the teacher and confide if any problems are occurring in the class that the instructor is not aware of. The more the teacher knows of student experiences and personalities, the more the teacher can tailor the class.

It is important for the instructor to care because the students are being taught to be better citizens through martial arts. They are being taught and modeled discipline. They will progress in levels in martial arts and hopefully this will give them a sense of pride later on. They can draw from the strength it took to master martial arts moves and levels when they face challenges in the real world. Their fortitude can be remembered when they are faced with times of illness and they need the discipline to push through the pain and not give up.

Any task, especially work related, in life will require discipline. And if the students have experienced being disciplined before, they are more likely to carry this quality forward into future endeavors. When a martial arts class takes on students, it also takes on future leaders and people who will accomplish great things in the world. It all boils down to helping them persevere through the classroom experience.

Why Children Should be Enrolled In Martial Arts To Learn Self-Discipline


Self-discipline is an essential aspect when it comes to a child’s development. It is the driving force that teaches kids the importance of willpower to delay gratification. This helps the young ones to develop critical skills to compete and excel in an increasingly competitive and complex world. It takes a lot of hard work to teach this. However, taking martial arts classes helps parents take the first step towards the road to success. The classes teach children self-control by making them work progress in rank until finally, they can achieve the black belt level, which is the ultimate goal. Other ways the classes do this include:

Promotes Independence

Martial Arts training brings up children who are proud, independent individuals. These are people who can focus to lead and enjoy better quality life. The schedules that the young ones follow during this training are usually intensive. When a child commits to seeing this through, rewards are often noticeable from the initial stages of the classes. Noteworthy is that the art integrates various aspects of the physical, mental, and spiritual well-being of the students. Other than discipline, other areas that the sport covers include perseverance, confidence, and honor.

Encourages Self Respect

Among the benefits of martial arts is that it helps children to attain high levels of self-respect. Before any class, younger ones bow as a form of respect to the masters or instructors. They also relay the same degree of respect to other students in the classroom regardless of whether they are younger or older. When waiting for the next commands, students display the ability to be patient and carry out instructions to perfection almost immediately the teacher shouts them out. They are also taught self-restraint because they do not use the skills they learn on the weak, their friends or relatives. A child who respects themselves will be disciplined enough to respect those around them whether in class, at home, or in school.

Focus and Concentration

When a person has significant levels of discipline, it means that they are sharp enough to make correct and speedy decisions that affect their lives in positive ways. Martial arts is great for parenting as it teaches children to focus and concentrate on the task at hand. Training sessions often include kicks, blocks, sparring, and punches. All these require undivided attention so that the student can execute the moves professionally. The skills go beyond the training sessions where parents are bound to see cleverer and better-behaved kids after a few sessions.

Conflict Resolution

Another way that martial arts promote self-discipline is by teaching the younger ones how to resolve conflict in a calm and relaxed manner. For an individual to try and solve issues amicably without jumping on the throat of the other person, it requires a lot of them. Most people think that the classes only promote violence, but this is far from the truth. Teachers insist that students should never use the skills they learn during a physical alteration expect when they are in physical danger. You will notice that even if a child was aggressive before, they sharpen their communication skills, and often they become mediators to help solve the conflict.

Why It’s Important To Have a Year Round Physical Activity

Category: FitnessMartial Arts

Physical activity is vital for a child’s healthy development and an adult’s overall fitness, but can sometimes be a struggle to upkeep. Joining a year round physical activity or sport like martial arts aids in constantly staying active throughout the year and makes certain it is followed through. Unlike working out which could seem like a chore, regular exercise is easily incorporated in life without reluctance by simply doing something fun.

Year round physical activity fosters physical, mental, and emotional well-being, among many other great benefits. It addresses a number of major concerns that can adversely effect one’s health:

Lack of options on activities to do.

Swimming, climbing, cycling, gymnastics, archery, windsurfing and snowmobile adventures are some of the programs offered nowadays. Planning can go on all year, but the weather and seasons do not always permit a single best choice. There’s also the risk that not everyone in a group could participate on the chosen activity. Not every sport suits a single individual, but there’s a sport that suits every individual. Martial arts is ideal for people of all ages and is perfect for families with kids, and is the best option when it comes to availability throughout the year.

Continually increasing focus on academics and less on physicality.

Most schools tend to pivot on knowledge based programs and less on physical activities. Parents are empowered to provide more for their children be taking part in year-round activities, and get themselves moving as well. In fact, increased physical activity has been found to be correlated with improved academic performance, brain function, concentration, and cognitive control.

Inconsistency and inclination to slack off.

Being consistent is key to developing lifelong habits, especially with children who can apply this best practice until adulthood. When it comes to martial arts, flexibility, balance, coordination and strength increase accordingly if you are consistent enough to engage in the sport. How? By joining year round activities.

Inevitable transition between seasons.

Keeping physically active can be tougher during cold seasons, and it can sometimes even be the perfect excuse to not exercise. Getting fit is made enjoyable with year round activities like Martial arts. Continuous training and practice can keep you from being idle and losing skill as the seasons pass, letting you hone your abilities and work on mastery as you desire.

Having a hard time with socialization.

A year round activity does more than support better health, but opens up vast social opportunities in making new friends and mingling with other members of the class. Awkwardness is diffused within a fun and comfortable environment where everyone, young or old, with a common interest is there to fully embrace learning. Start off by finding a friend or family member to stay active with you, inspire and motivate each other.

Excessive screen time or becoming a tech slave.

Watching TV, playing games, computers and gadgets draw leisure time to sitting and staring at screens. Some could go on all day, for life has become unimaginable without technology’s amazing offerings. Knowing when to detach is essential in avoiding adverse health effects like obesity, and in leading a normal life, believe it or not. Training and competing in sports gets people off the couch, out playing and living life!

How Martial Arts Can Improve Job Performance


The skills attained in the practice of martial arts far exceeds what you are witnessing at competitions or in the advancement of a belt color. The changes that develop internally throughout the career of a martial artist prove to have more permanency than the external physical advancements.

Psychologists have shown that traditional martial arts positively effects the emotional well-being and mental health of an individual more than any other sport. As we continue, we will learn some of the most important life skills gained from this 2,000-year-old tradition.

Stress Management

The practice of martial arts promotes being in a state of mental calmness and self-control through systematic movements and breathing techniques. In an average day a person is not subjected to the stress or chaos found during a physical one on one match, however the comparisons are legitimate. Having the ability to maintain composure while balancing a hectic schedule is life altering. Martial arts have also been known to improve an individual’s sleep patterns, as a result of adequate sleep, it becomes easier to cope with stressful situations.

Commitment and Progression

On average it typically takes anywhere from 3-10 years to achieve a high ranking such as a black belt, in martial arts. To achieve such advancements a martial artist has to learn the powers of persistence, extreme work ethic, and commitment. These important life skills are all gained through the progression of the sport, with even a single one of these skills missing, an advancement will not take place. These skills can be carried to any area of life including but not limited to education, career, family and finances.

Overcoming Fears

In a competition, an athlete has to completely let go, live in the moment, put aside any mental blocks or negative self-talk, and trust in their own skills. The fear of failure cannot live in a mixed martial artist, but instead it is overcome with each loss and win achieved. A disciplined competitor knows that they will win and they will lose, no matter the outcome they will persist and fight again. The fear of failure is something many people live an entire lifetime battling, mastering this fear means a greater quality of life as well as many more achievable opportunities.

Controlled Focus and Goal Setting

By moving through different levels of training, an athlete is in a constant state of personal development through goal setting. More specifically, a martial artist knows they are advancing as an individual in their sport, as an analogy, they know they are running their own race. Every training session is for a purpose; every act of self-discipline has a bigger meaning.

Martial arts are based around highly focused acts, it’s often recommended for people dealing with symptoms of ADHD as a means of directing energy and practicing focus. The highly structured and physically challenging aspects found in martial arts are helpful to develop coordination while using concentration.

Memorization and Efficiency

Martial arts are a continuing act of historical traditions, with each movement serving a purpose, it is believed there should be no wasted energy or efforts. This teaches organization, mindfulness, and ultimately efficiency. An efficient person will excel must faster than an average person, they are able to accomplish more and improve productivity in their lives.

The memorization skills gained through martial arts goes hand in hand with the efficiency. Memorization not only keeps physical and mental engagement, but it also makes movements much more efficient. In the example of a career, memorizing the tasks and duties required quickly makes for a much more efficient performance.


One of the most notable traits martial arts instills in an individual is confidence. The journey of achievement in this sport is found in the ability to flourish and grow. Being put in uncomfortable situations helps to expand a person’s comfort zone, as a result their confidence is able to heighten. There are obstacles to overcome with every stage of martial arts, from the beginner to the expert, confidence is required. In life, this plays a key role to moving forward and being secure in your own skin.

Being Proactive and Professional

On the defensive end of this sport, the athlete is continually preparing to defend against the opponent with the goal to be forward thinking and proactive with their own reactions. Being proactive requires the ability to pay attention to subtle queues and learn from experience. A person who attains the skill of being proactive will often find themselves comfortable when being on the defensive side.

The same attributes found in conducting oneself in a professional manner can be found in these arts. Knowing how to gain specialized knowledge, be accountable and emotionally stable are among a few of the skills learned that can be carried into career success.


Respect is one of the first lessons to be learned in martial arts. A common example of this trait is the bow you see opponents give to one another, this bow is a symbol of respect and gratitude. Working your way up in rankings is another way martial artists learn respect, they know that those before them have earned their rights of passage and did so in a respectful manor.

Martial arts will emphasize the importance of appearance and etiquette. The combination of caring for external appearance and achieving internal improvement leads to a level of self-respect that is otherwise hard to attain. Self-respect combats other life issues such as guilt, peer pressure, and insecurity.

Instilling Skills

Martial arts have been an example of the benefits that occur when the mind, body and spirit are working fluently together. Those who practice these techniques unlock skills that are imperative for success in all areas of their lives. There are hundreds of variations of martial arts today, but the core of the sport remains centered around the same moral structures, which greatly benefit the participants of the sport. Once these important life skills are gained, they can follow an individual throughout their entire life.